Cultivate Confidence
Are you Lacking in confidence, perhaps it is getting in the way of your everyday life, questing your ability, Always feeling less than others?
Life does not need to continue in this way. It will take some work and persistence but you can do this.
Where is your lack of confidence coming from? Can you pinpoint certain events? Maybe it was a constant drip feed throughout your childhood. Or maybe it was one big specific event?
Confidence is a battle of the mind, have you heard of fake it until you make it, ‘
Lets get to the nitty gritty, can you think of a time, where you have felt confidence, can you recall how you felt? what you were wearing? What had lead you to feel confident.
Sometimes you can be derailed by the bigger picture, trying to have it all together for everyone, different people expect different things from you and it is really difficult to keep up with, so lets just focus on impressing yourself. What would 8 year old be chuffed about you doing, and what would 80 year old be impressed with?
What is important to you? Question everything, am i doing this for me or because its what i think im supposed to be doing, listen to your body. What makes you feel happy? What makes you feel less than, small?
Lets do more of what makes you happy and less of what makes you feel small everyday.
Do what fills you up as often as you are able. Not to be selfish but to be the best version of you, for you.
Maybe helping others is your thing, perhaps thats the boost so do it for you, bot for them.
At the end of your days what will you think of, what will you be glad you did?
Playing small and pleasing others your whole life, feeling less than and worrying about how you are being perceived will not be something you are glad you did.
You are not going to please all people no matter what you do! You could shape shift and change your mask and personality for what each person wants from you but that is not a fulfilling life, that will not make you happy. It is exhausting!
So scrap all that! Life for you.