
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

charlotte lightfoot charlotte lightfoot

Cultivate Confidence

You are not going to please all people no matter what you do! You could shape shift and change your mask and personality for what each person wants from you but that is not a fulfilling life, that will not make you happy. It is exhausting! 

So scrap all that! Life for you. 

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charlotte lightfoot charlotte lightfoot

Embracing acceptance

Rather than constantly pushing against the things we want to change, feeling disgruntled or fed up. Maybe we could, whatever the situation, just accept, we are where we are right now, so lets enjoy it! Worrying, stressing or wishing things were different and ruining today won’t make them any different! 

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charlotte lightfoot charlotte lightfoot

Where are you Abandoning yourself?

Needing acceptance or being liked is our subconscious number one. This focus on what others think of us and what they need can lead us to abandon ourselves. To put our needs last, sometimes we are so out of touch with ourselves we don't even know what we want or need. 

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charlotte lightfoot charlotte lightfoot

Quieting the voice in your head

Quieting the voice in your head; If you are struggling with self doubt, low confidence or a loud negative self-talk, you do not have to continue in this way. There is a brighter, happier future waiting for you.

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charlotte lightfoot charlotte lightfoot

Letting GO

Stress has a huge impact on your physical health. Do you hold on to some stress that you could let go? How often are you stressed? Is the stress you feel situational or do you feel stressed or overwhelmed most of the time? 

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