Where are you Abandoning yourself?
Needing acceptance or being liked is our subconscious number one. This focus on what others think of us and what they need can lead us to abandon ourselves. To put our needs last, sometimes we are so out of touch with ourselves we don't even know what we want or need.
Continuing in this way can lead to exhaustion, burnout and just plain not knowing who we are!
So let's put a stop to it! Looking after yourself does not mean you are selfish, it is a necessity, as an adult no one else is going to do it for you, you are the one in charge of looking after you.
There are so many ways in which we abandon ourselves, simple hidden tasks you may not even notice, like skipping meals, overworking to please the boss, reaching for the wine too often and saying yes to things we really don’t want to do.
Wanting to stay small and hide in the background is a survival tactic your brain has adopted to keep you safe but it is time to realise that it is not truly living if you are in the background. You need to be the main character in your life!
Let's talk about simple ways you can stop abandoning yourself. Wear clothes you love. Stop wearing clothes that help you to blend in. We all have that outfit we bought because we loved it and it is hanging in the wardrobe having never been worn. Make yourself your favourite meal from scratch, put your favourite music on, get the recipe book out and go for it. Clutter and mess can really alter our mental state. Why not have a clear up, just one room, do it not because you have to but as an act of love to yourself, then sit in your new sanctuary with a cup of tea and feel a little lighter.
These are not big tasks or gestures but small everyday things that help you to love and look after yourself. You deserve happiness and to be looked after!
If abandoning yourself is something you are often doing and you are wanting some guidance into stepping into the life you want, get in touch.